Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 18

Well I didn't manage to accomplish my goal yesterday but I am pretty sure I know the reason why this time, I had gone out for lunch with an old friend I haven't seen in years and we had a good long talk which was nice but it also was very draining for me.  I am not sure if it is because I don't regularly get out and see and interact with other people too often anymore but these days I find that I will be quite tired afterword, I definitely enjoy it but it takes alot out of me.  So that certainly threw off my tentative schedule for yesterday, that combined with just feeling worn out lead to me not getting my reading done.  However for the next two days I have more time in the evening as I don't raid on Friday or Saturday so I am going to make a renewed effort to get some solid reading done still going to aim for the afternoon around 4 pm slot but maybe if I get on a roll I can pick it up again later on in the evening.  That's the goal for today then.

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